Conflict Is Inevitable and Good

As I mentioned in the last post, Jim Stroup did a series of posts last week about conflict and leadership. It was based on his review of the work of Mary Parker Follett. I love to see the topic covered, of course, and I think Jim did a good job. Most of his (and...

How Important Is Being Right?

Patti Digh said this today on Twitter: "What would happen if we could give up our attachment to being right?" A powerful question, I think. And it reminded me that I had wanted to post about this topic. Before I went on vacation, I read a great post from Jim...

It’s Okay for Organizations To Die

Blogger Matt Baehr has been posting some interesting comments on Clay Shirky’s book, Here Comes Everybody, particularly on the notion of self-forming groups as threats to associations. B-Mart has chimed in as well. When you read these posts, though, you have to...

It's Okay for Organizations To Die

Blogger Matt Baehr has been posting some interesting comments on Clay Shirky’s book, Here Comes Everybody, particularly on the notion of self-forming groups as threats to associations. B-Mart has chimed in as well. When you read these posts, though, you have to...
Jamie Notter