The Down-Side of Great Ideas

So I am back from what might be my 11th or 12th Great Ideas conference (I’ve been to them all, back to the GWSAE days, but I’ve lost count), and as usual I had a great time. I enjoyed delivering both the deep dive on Humanize (with Maddie Grant) on the...

An Answer Is No Solution

Lesson of the week: we are way too focused on answers. I wrote about this years ago (I think that is my only post that includes a Rilke quote; worth reading…). It’s deeply ingrained, going back to grade school for most of us. We were taught to come up with...

The REAL point of Measurement

Mark Shaefer has a nice post about a recent “social media measurement smackdown” he participated in during a social media conference. He was pushing back against a prevailing notion that you can’t measure social media. He’s heard nice sound...

The Strength of Weak Ties

Check out this great interview with Andrew McAfee of MIT’s Center for Digital Business on how to talk to CEOs about social media. He’s got some great tips (like why you shouldn’t use the word “social”…interesting), but what I like...

Integrating Learning and Work

Check out this awesome presentation about integrating learning and work. This is precisely along the same lines as what Maddie and I talk about in Humanize. The fourth human element we talk about is Courageous. In creating a more courageous organization, the cultural...
Jamie Notter