by Jamie Notter | May 10, 2012 | Change, Humanize, Individual Development, Leadership, Managing People, Truth, Uncategorized
You’ve probably already seen this on Maddie’s blog. And if not, you can also see it on Charlie Judy’s HR Fishbowl site. And now I’m putting it here. What is it? It’s a “manifesto” about the future of work. Maddie is the one...
by Jamie Notter | Apr 17, 2012 | Managing People
I have a love/hate relationship with measurement. On one level, I can be frustrated by people who demand we measure everything, as if numbers proved the “truth.” Many of the things that are the very most important in life can’t be assigned meaningful...
by Jamie Notter | Apr 9, 2012 | Humanize, Learning, Managing People
In Humanize, we talk a lot about courage. Courage is one of the four human elements–arguably the hardest one for organizations to master. Fear has long been at the root of organizational dysfunction. We are arguing that we need more courageous organizations....
by Jamie Notter | Apr 5, 2012 | Humanize, Managing People
Collaboration is a bit of a buzzword these days. It is often that magic result we seek as we adopt a new technology solution or try to get employees to play nicely together in the sandbox. It’s a feel-good word. We all like it and if we attach the word to...
by Jamie Notter | Apr 3, 2012 | Change, Managing People
That’s the title from a panel session I helped deliver at the Great Ideas Conference last week. The description from the brochure: People make innovation happen. Ok, but how do they do it? Join us to learn tips and techniques to getting started…investigating...
by Jamie Notter | Feb 23, 2012 | Leadership, Managing People, Truth
When I first started in consulting, I was on a big project with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. It was an extensive assessment of “organizational issues” broadly speaking. I did a LOT of interviews and focus groups. I remember meeting with one of the...