Lisa Junker wrote a nice case study in the July issue of Associations Now about a CEO who is faced with two senior staff who engage in open conflict in the office. She kindly asked me to do commentary for the case study.

The article is, of course, in the magazine, but honestly I think it works better in the online format. In the magazine, the commentary (both mine and Cedric Calhoun’s) is in green text to the side of the article. But you can’t clearly see where my comments are meant to go.

Online, however, they add little cartoon bubbles at the end of some sentences, and when you put your mouse over them, the comment (from either me or Cedric) shows up. How cool is that!? (Note: it doesn’t work in Safari, so Mac users should view it in Firefox).

View the online version here.

And please add comments (Lisa did a blog post on Acronym here) and rate and review the case study online.

Jamie Notter