I had a great time on Wednesday speaking to the Virginia Association of Realtors Leadership conference on the topic of building trust between members and the board. One of the first papers I ever had published was on trust (back in 1995), and being from the conflict resolution field, it's always been a part of my professional interest.

So I was happy to do a session about trust that was focused on associations. I think trust is particularly relevant to association management, because associations operate in incredibly complex environments. Multiple stakeholders with conflicting interests, all under the umbrella of a decentralized and often unclear governance structure. That's complexity!

Trust is somewhat of a secret weapon for dealing with complexity. Systems with high trust can eliminate the effort and conversations and time and energy that go into verifying and investigating and checking and explaining. When there is high trust, boards are left to focus on the strategic, and staff and committees can be energized by their independence and leeway. Experimentation and innovation is more likely. 

My presentation talked about three different levels of trust, and four different areas you can focus on to build trust. The slides are embedded below (or you can find them here).

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Jamie Notter