A big part of conflict resolution is problem solving, and one of the biggest parts of problem solving is defining the problem. I was reminded of this when I came across this great comic over on this blog:

We throw up our hands all the time about what's not working in the workplace, and the solutions we demand tend to be short term and immediate. I'm staying late to read emails, so let's schedule a meeting instead. This meeting took too long, so let's do more work by email. While there definitely are important reasons to choose email versus in-person communication, the problems you solve by that choice are not the one that is upsetting you–there's no time to get everything done. 

That's a tougher problem to solve because it is fundamentally about what we are doing, not how we are doing it. The issue isn't time. We each literally have all the time in the world. It's what we choose to do with that time. Sure, if you're more efficient it will help some, so pay attention to how you run your meetings and how you send (or cc) emails. But also take a minute to figure out how it is possible that you have so much on your plate right now that the requirement of interacting with other humans in order to get the work done seems like an impossible burden.

Because there's not much in this world worth doing that doesn't involve working with other humans.  

Jamie Notter