What I’m Reading

Okay, so I really don't do a regular "what I'm reading" post on this blog, for a couple of reasons.  First, the stuff that I really love that I read on the internet tends to make its way into my blog posts (and I link to them there). Second, I...

Systems Thinking and Organizational Culture

Peter Senge wrote the Fifth Discipline twenty years ago, but it's a book with amazing staying power. If you haven't read it, you should. The big lesson in the book, for which Senge is still known, is systems thinking (system thinking is the fifth discipline)....

Book Tour: Open Community

Lindy Dreyer and Maddie Grant published their first book this week. W00t! It's called Open Community: A Little Book of Big Ideas for Associations Navigating the Social Web. They gave me an advance copy and even put a quote from me in the "praise for Open...

GrowSmartBiz Conference This Friday

Finally being home after several weeks of heavy travel, it's going to be hard to pry myself out of the office this Friday, but I am trying to make it to the GrowSmartBiz conference. It's being sponsored by the Washington Business Journal and Network Solutions,...
Jamie Notter