Jamie Notter Blog
Data Based Decision Making and Experiments
Almost everyone is on the data bandwagon these days. Even those who might still be skeptical about the whole "big data" thing will likely admit that using data in decision making is critical, and we all have stories of organizations, leaders, and managers making bad...
Authority and Accountability
This is a guest post by Thad Lurie, Chief Operating Officer at EDUCAUSE. au·thor·i·ty: the power to determine, adjudicate, or otherwise settle issues or disputes; jurisdiction; the right to control, command, or determine....
Finding the Best Managers
Conventional wisdom says we find those "A Team" players coming out of the top colleges and universities, with the best grades and test scores. Maybe not in every job, mind you, but certainly many, and definitely at a technology company like Google, right? Wrong. One...
Implementing 20% Time
By now, I assume you've heard of Google's fabled 20% time. They've changed it recently, but the original idea was simple: give every engineer at Google 20% of their time to work on something THEY thougth would be both interesting and ultimately profitable to Google....
I Miss Social Media
I am 47 years old, and I recognize that I am either in or headed to the "get off my lawn" stage of life. I find myself looking back at the old days more than I used to, and I frequently want to remind my teenage children that when I was growing up, I had to get out of...
Friday Quote: God Was A Mathematician
In Chapter 5 of Humanize, we actually go back a few centuries in our analysis, pointing out that the entire western world has been looking at the universe in a very mechanistic way since the 1600s, and we have Sir Isaac Newton and his contemporaries to blame. They...
A Golden Window of Opportunity
One of the main points that I make in my keynote speeches these days is that we are currently standing in the neutral zone between two distinct eras of leadership and management. The old era started in the early 1900s, as we ramped up the industrial age, and for the...
Book Review: Leadership and Self-Deception
Leadership and Self-Deception: Getting Out of the Box by the Arbinger Institute Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc. 2010 This book argues that many problems we face internally in our organizations (conflict among employees or silos, nasty bosses, ineffective employees,...
Cracking the Culture Code: Outsourcing In Order to Increase Engagement
This is a guest post from Eric Lanke, the CEO of the Fluid Power Association. How does an association executive build and sustain the culture of his organization? Specifically, what is his role versus others in the organization’s hierarchy? Conventional wisdom says...