The Missing Link in Your Culture Conversations

A lot of organizations talk about culture, but not as many actually create cultures that actually drive results. The reason for this gap frequently boils down to one word: Clarity. Because “culture” is a fairly broad and messy concept, we are generally...

Case Study in the Power of Culture

The November/December issue of Associations Now Magazine has an awesome story about Fitness Australia and the way they have built a successful organization around an intentional culture. I was proud to be a part of that work, helping them with their performance review...

Recognizing that You Suck

How often does a CEO write a public blog post admitting that he sucks? That’s what Greg Hoy, CEO of Happy Cog, did over on Medium recently. More specifically, he admitted that he had been avoiding his own performance review for some time at his organization, and...

Is Social Business Dead?

Maddie pointed me to this great post by Stowe Boyd on the GigaOm blog, which is in reaction to this great post by Chris Heuer over on Brian Solis’ blog. They are both fairly long posts, but here’s the gist. Chris Heuer declares the term “social...
Jamie Notter