Stop Making it Worse

In my March e-newsletter, the question of the month was, basically, “What are you going to stop doing?” I have loved this theme for a long time (maybe Jim Collins was the first time I remember it being presented clearly?), but it came up twice at Great...

Your Suck List

I did some work last week with a volunteer group that was half way through it's year of activity. They were at a point where they wanted to look back at how the experience has been going so they could make adjustments for the second half of the year. So at the...

Four Tips for Building Trust

Here's a follow up to my last post (slides from my session on building trust between Boards and members). In the presentation I talked about four ways to build trust. I won't go into all the details, but here's the gist of it. 1. Be consistent. In short,...
Jamie Notter